I trust you are all fine and well. But I’m going to bring a bit of “We’re doomed . . . unless . . . ” to your morning coffee (other beverages are available!
OTCPray for a Minute 20th October 2021
For the next few weeks the theme will be on praying for our home: Planet Earth.
The forthcoming COP26 Conference in Glasgow is our focus to ask for the hearts, minds, budgets and actions of the World Leaders to bring God’s healing and justice to play.
The truth is that it’s the poor, our children’s children and the rest of the created order who are most vulnerable and they don’t have a place around the tables! We need to lift our voices together to bring change!
We have the supernatural power of prayer, which know is effective, so we’re not helpless. Don’t lose heart or hope. Check out the Tearfund portion in the Service that I’ve linked to at the end of our video.
What’s been happening in your lives this last week – it’s always good to hear?