We are committed to making God’s Word, revealed to us in Jesus Christ and recorded in the Bible, central to our church life.
We recognise that God’s message can be taught and learned in a variety of ways.
We see it as essential to the well-being of the new church that we foster close, caring, and honest relationships amongst all those that are part of the church.
We will draw on both Baptist and Methodist practice, as well as other Christian traditions and new ways of worship to form our own worship identity, always aiming to offer our best to God.
We believe in encouraging everyone to use their gifts and talents in the whole of church life.
We are willing to receive leadership from either or both Baptist and Methodist ministers, and to cultivate and use gifts of leadership present within the new church.
We wish to cultivate the gifts of teaching and preaching that are present within our congregation to lead worship, preach and assist in other ways.
We believe that the sacrificial and free-will giving of its people is essential for the life and ministry of the united church.