Check out Cameo:-
We are aiming to meet on the last Sunday of each month, 5.30 – 7.30pm
Also we need to make a small charge to cover costs £10/term (or £2.50/night)
Next meeting (chez Louise and Mark) 26th January 2025
then – 23rd February and 23rd March 2025
Please contact Louise or info@theolivetreechurch.org.uk
Many thanks! Louise
Sunday School
Olive Tree church has a lively and active Sunday school for all children and teenagers. It meets every Sunday as part of the 10.30 am worship and service. It is spilt into two groups under 11’s and over 11’s. We have a range of activities, crafts, fun and thought.
For information contact Claire McGuckin on 07923 242891
It’s Happening!!

Beavers and Cubs
The Beavers and Cubs have been busy recently looking at how they can support the local community as part of their World Challenge award. They decided that they would like to support Keech Hospice Care and following a visit from one of their fundraising team came up with a number of ideas. In the end due to Covid making it difficult to arrange a fund raising event such as a toy sale, they have come up with the idea of collecting toys and games that can be donated to the hospice shop for them to sell.
If any of the Olive Tree family have toys or games that are no longer used by children or grandchildren, perhaps they would like to donate them for the collection? There will be a box at church for collection of toys.