Oasis Community Drop-In

The Oasis Centre opened in 2002 in Marsh Rd and then moved to St Augustines Ave in 2005.  We are now very happy that our new home from March 1st 2021 is at the Olive Branch in St Margarets Ave.

The Oasis Centre is a place of friendship, learning, safety and fun! We were able to continue through Lockdown by moving all our sessions on to Zoom but we are so thankful that we are now able to meet in person once again with just 2 zoom sessions continuing for those who are not able to join us face to face.

Luton is a town with many services set up to help the community but many in our communities don’t know how to access the help and information they need. Others don’t have the language skills or the confidence to be able to do this. Others are just looking for a place to belong and feel valued.

At the Oasis Centre we aim to equip those who have England as a second country or second language to feel they ‘fit’ into life in the U.K. Whether this is by equipping them in their use of English, helping them to find their way around town or encouraging their children with homework.

At Oasis we hope everyone will feel welcomed and find a place where they can belong, where they can relax and find friends and know that others care for them.

For more info see www.oasisdropin.co.uk or call Gill on 07305 337825 or 01582 722532 (office

You can help raise funds for the Oasis centre when you shop on line via http://easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/oasisdropincentre