Sunday Worship

Services start at 10:30 AM unless indicated otherwise
Graphic: RMH

Our upcoming services (God willing) will be led by the following people:


8th SeptemberMr Michael Adams, Methodist Local Preacher
15th SeptemberAll-age Worship; led by Claire & the children
22nd SeptemberRevd Dr David ChapmanCommunion together with Baptism and Confirmation
29th SeptemberSir Les EbdonHarvest Service
Keswick Convention Worship – Bring it in Brothers and Sis

Sunday School

Olive Tree church has a lively and active Sunday school for all children and teenagers. It meets every Sunday as part of the 10.30 am worship and service. It is split into two groups under 11’s and over 11’s.

We have a range of activities, crafts, fun and thought.
For information contact Claire McGuckin on 07923 242891