Fifteen seconds that could change someone’s life!

Hello friends, I’ve been on Social Media again and Social media seems to have moved us to sound bites. “Say it fast. Be brief.”

I want to share some helpful tips, I’ve read, offering suggestions on how to share your faith with others. After all as disciples we’re meant to take the Good News out into our world. Once again I’m sharing and reflecting the Blog post.
I quote below:-,

I’ve been part of other’s training where they show you how to prepare a 3-minute testimony of how you came to faith in Jesus. They suggest you talk about how your life was before Christ, what moved you to believe in Jesus, and then how he changed your life. 
That works well perhaps if you’re up at a microphone in front of a crowd. But if you’re in conversation with someone, sitting next to them in the bleachers of a soccer game? Well, three minutes is flat out rude. 
As I mentioned in that video I recommended to you earlier in this series, I think people are open to a listening to a few sentences about why God is meaningful to you.
I’d like to encourage you to see if you can tell someone your life story in about four sentences. It really is possible. And it comes in handy.
A gentleman on a flight asked me about my work. You know what I told him, “I’m connected to a site that takes on the hard questions about life and God.” (same thing you could say)
He asked me, “Huh. How did you get into that?” Here’s what I told him:

“I was an atheist, then became friends with a Christian whose life I really admired. I questioned her for over a year. She provided evidence for God that became so weighty, I asked God into my life, and he changed my life in significant ways.”

That took me about 15 seconds to say.

So here’s a challenge for you! What could you say in about four sentences?  Either how you came to know God or what it has meant to you to know him.

To get you thinking, here are possibilities….

“I struggled for a long time to find a sense of purpose in my life. Nothing seemed to fill that in a lasting way. Then I learned how I could know God, who created me, and my life took on way more meaning.”

“I used to think that God was out there somewhere, but I never knew if he heard my prayers, or cared. He seemed silent. A friend told me how I could know God in a personal way, and now I see him answer me on a regular basis.”

“It’s easy to get weighed down by the sadness in life…horrible things you see on the news, for example. I find that when I go to the Bible, God shows me his perspective. He seems to always lift the sadness and give me energy to help others. God says he will be our refuge and strength and I see him do that.” 

Ask God to give you a message that you’re ready to share with others. Maybe a verse of Scripture that you especially like. 15 seconds. Jesus says we are salt, to help people be thirsty for him. And light to others, so they might know the light of the world!

Sometimes God will lead you to lead someone to Christ right there and then. 

From Marilyn Adamson, Director of

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