Christmas Lunch: please sign up
The Olive TreeChristmas Lunch at 12pm (Thursday). Please sign the list at the back of the church if you are coming and if you can help.
Christmas Lunch at 12pm (Thursday). Please sign the list at the back of the church if you are coming and if you can help.
All welcome: particularly helpers. Messy Christingle at theOlive Tree Church will start from 3pm-5pm. Feel free to bring your friends and family to this event to enjoy making crafts and of course making your own christingle.
3rd Advent Sunday. Nativity and Toy Service at 10:30am. The children will be taking part in our annual nativity while the older ones narrate. Please may the children arrive for 10am to get ready. More details to follow regards gifts
Carols and mince pies. Join our Carol Celebration. Please bring mince pies to share