Reflective Prayer: Current Affairs

What a week in the news. US inauguration of President Trump, Southport killer sentenced with details of that awful day emerging, ceasefire Israel and Hamas with Palestinians returning to their devasted Gaza homes.

Oh Lord our heavenly father – where do we start, what do we pray for, whom do we pray for. For the first time I can remember I don’t want to watch, listen or read the news, it’s all so frightening and concerning. I don’t know where to start.

Then I recall Paul’s words in Romans – nothing can separate us from the love of God – even the worst case scenarios. I’m drawn to look at the cross of Jesus and the empty tomb and my hope returns.

Loving Father we place these many situations of war, famine, greed, violence, raging fires and severe drought into your hands. That sounds arrogant because they are in your hands and it’s your world.

So we come with thankfulness that despite all the frightening areas we see, you are there walking with all the affected people. Your amazing love and compassion are the strength to all in need. We pray that your love will shine through into their lives. We pray for all who are working in all these areas to bring relief, support and recreation. Give them vision and strength, grant them safety and good health. 

We thank you for our families and friends who bring us joy and who support us when in need. We remember those of our fellowship experiencing medical issues, surgery, consultant appointments, treatment for illnesses. Grant them healing and strength to cope with their problems. We pray for those who care for them, that they may too be supported and comforted. We remember those who have lost loved ones, we think particularly of Robin Wright and the whole family as they mourn the loss of Ron. In the silence name others you have particular concern for,

We thank you for the Olive Tree Church. We pray for continued guidance and wisdom for Michael and the leadership team and for the fellowship as we respond to their leadership and the ways in which we need to change and do new things in new ways. With this in mind, we pray for the church meeting following this service. Help us all to come with open hearts and minds to what you are saying to us through this meeting. The olive tree church is not our church but your church, bringing salt and light to this community.

We thank you for the town we live in. We thank you for the diversity of the population which enriches our lives, we thank you for the way the Christian churches work together as recently celebrated in the Week of Prayer for Christiaan unity. We pray for our council as they make decisions about the budget. We know this means cuts, which will affect so many areas which are already struggling. Rant them wisdom and guidance as they make these decisions. We give thanks for them charities and organisations that work with all who are in need of support. In the silence name one 2 which you are particularly concerned with.

We pray for our country – a rocky road for the new government, with so many areas needing finance and more staff. We pray for them as they have to prioritise both those areas in such great need but also areas where there needs to be investment. Grant all with power to change, wisdom, compassion, understanding of the bigger picture and strength to carry through their decisions.

Father God, You have showered us with many wonderful blessings, we have so much to be thankful for. Help us to show our thankfulness in the way we live our lives. So often we faill to show love and compassion to all in need, we get so focussed on our own agenda. Forgive us for the times we fail in word or deed to do your will. 

Forgive us for the times when we react too quickly to criticise others, whether it’s in words or in thoughts. Forgive for the times when we forget you, and paddle our canoe, until the going gets tough and once more we realise we’ve shut you out.

We thank you that you welcome us back, forgiven and loved even more. 

As we close lets say together the prayer Jesus taught his disciples

Our Father in Heaven…..


Elaine Sharpe: January 2025

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