
God hears your prayers. You can trust him with them.

MATTHEW 6:9-15

The Lord’s Prayer:

Therefore, when you pray, do it this way.

Our Father who is in the skies, may your name be recognized as holy.

May your kingdom come, and may your will be done as it is in the skies, so also on the land.

Our daily provision of bread, give to us today.

And forgive us our debts, just as we also have forgiven those indebted to us.

And don’t lead us to be tested, but deliver us from the evil one.

For if you forgive people their transgressions, your Father in the skies will also forgive you.

But if you will not forgive people, then neither will your Father forgive your transgressions.

About This Translation

This reading uses a new translation from the BibleProject Scholar Team, which aims to bring fresh language to familiar words while using consistent English terms for Greek words used throughout this part of Scripture.

A helpful Bibleproject video HERE

Prayer is mutual heart-pouring between us and God

Praying for Provision and Forgiveness

In Matthew 6:11-12, Jesus’ prayer shifts focus to our needs. First, we are to ask our Father for daily bread, which cultivates a habit of daily dependence and gratefulness toward God. Jesus isn’t discouraging us from making plans beyond today’s bread. He’s encouraging a shift in perspective from self-sufficiency to a radical, moment-by-moment trust and dependence on God’s generosity. The next step in the prayer is to ask God to forgive us our debts as we forgive others. Here, Jesus is using an Old Testament metaphor of sin as a debt in need of repayment. Asking God for forgiveness and truly receiving it are naturally bound with our ability to forgive others. Jesus doesn’t expect us to immediately forgive every wrong, but he knows that forgiving others is necessary for healing and reconciliation. Refusing to forgive others of their wrongs suggests that we haven’t yet fully received or understood God’s forgiveness of our wrongs. (Taken from Blog)

We now have a weekly prayer meeting at the Olive Tree Branch ( formerly St Margaret’s Methodist Church, Montrose Avenue, near the Biscot Mill roundabout) every Thursday at 7:30pm to 8.30pm. Please join us as we explore how to pray for ourselves and others, and experience the power of God’s Spirit through prayer and more!

We, at The Olive Tree Church, Luton, (UK) aim to pray, for one another, each day at 7:00PM – (other time slots are available – just do it!) We let the Holy Spirit guide and unite us as we pray in our own time and spaces. Please try and join us; in spirit. If that time is inconvenient please allocate yourself some Prayer-time to suit. Tell a friend – they may wish to “join” you.

Please bring the Leadership Team to God; particularly Michael ,our Minister, and his family, as we embark, this late-Summer season, on God’s Mission for the Olive Tree Church, Luton.

Brief Prayers for each Day
Monday: Dear God, I am grateful You are my loving Father who blesses me with Your love and goodness. Please help me recognise, accept, and embrace Your grace and love, which can lead me to a life beyond my wildest dreams and expectations. May I always seek you above everything else for comfort and protection and find peace in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Tuesday: Dear Lord, please give all children an eternal perspective and purpose. Help them see life through Your eyes and embrace the good news of Jesus. May they focus on heavenly things and understand Your love deeply. Fill their lives with Your Spirit. Keep them safe from the mob of temptations which the World presents (to children of all ages!)
Wednesday: Father Lord, as I start today, I humbly ask for Your care. Please surround me with Your presence and grace and guide me in the right direction. Keep me safe from danger and negative thoughts, and help me to show Your love and peace to others. I trust You to watch over my loved ones and me, just like a shepherd watches over his flock, protecting us from evil. In Jesus’ name, 
Thursday: Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You seeking Your guidance and direction as I endeavour to love strangers just as You love them. Please empower me to step out of my comfort zone and love strangers, knowing that You will protect me from the schemes of the evil one. I desire to live boldly for Your glory, even if it means loving my enemies and those I do not know by Christ-like standards. Please grant me the courage to love my family and others unconditionally and to extend kindness and compassion to those I encounter, regardless of their background or circumstances. I pray all of this in Jesus’ Name, 
Friday: Dear Lord, please surround me with Your loving protection as I prepare to go out. Shield me from any worries and anxieties of the day that may interfere with my daily activities. Please safeguard my mind from troubling thoughts and grant me the peace that surpasses all understanding. I humbly ask that Your holy angels stand guard around me, my family and my loved ones, protecting us in all our ways, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Saturday: Father God,as we approach the end of this week and look forward to celebrating your Resurrection on the Lord’s Day, tomorrow, may we bring our strivings and concerns to the foot of the Cross. Allow us to reflect on what we have thought, said and done and the things we have not said and done when we know we could have. Bring us into close encounter with your long-suffering, merciful love, In the encompassing, inclusive love of Christ. 

Blessed are the Peacemakers – they shall be know as children of God.

The crisis in Gaza and Israel continues to escalate, despite a brief pause, and has already devastated tens of thousands of lives. You can use this prayer guide to call out to God in intercessory prayer, which simply means praying on behalf of someone else. Some of the the Prayers below are taken from Tearfund

Other prayers

Pray for peace

  • Pray for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the violence; in so many places in the world – including our own cites and towns.
  • Pray for world leaders with influence to make wise decisions that lead to lasting peace.
  • Pray that God’s peace would fill the hearts and minds of everyone who is suffering as a result of this conflict.
  • Pray for safety
  • Pray for all civilians; local and global – that God would protect them from harm, particularly the most vulnerable, including children, older people, and people with disabilities.
  • Pray for humanitarian workers and first responders – for protection for those who are working to provide humanitarian assistance and medical supplies.
  • Pray for safe access to food, water, sanitary items, medical supplies, fuel and electricity.
  • Pray for people forced to flee their homes – pray for safe places to stay and that they will be able to return home.
  • Pray for strength
  • Pray for church leaders – for wisdom and strength to lead people through fear and uncertainty. Pray for bravery as they guide their communities and offer loving support.
  • Pray for Christian communities and faith leaders across the region – for unity, connection and mutual understanding so that they can help bring people together and show kindness.
  • Pray for humanitarian workers – that God would strengthen their resolve and ability to provide relief and humanitarian assistance.
  • Pray for hope
  • Pray for those who are terrified, mourning and suffering in Ukraine, Africa, Bangladesh, Israel and Gaza. Ask God to save them from despair – for the trauma and violence they’ve experienced not to overshadow hope.
  • Pray that people in Gaza and Israel those land known as Holy Land and those in the wider region wouldn’t lose hope that peace is possible. ‘With God, all things are possible’ (Matthew 19:26).
  • Pray for healing
  • Pray for people who have been traumatised or injured; ask God to heal their physical and emotional wounds and bring them deep comfort.
  • Pray for hospitals and medical workers who are struggling with limited resources and overwhelming needs. Ask God to provide all the resources and equipment they need to treat the sick and injured.
  • ‘With God, all things are possible’ Matthew 19:26

A Prayer for Peace in troubled areas
Dear God, We cry out to you on behalf of the people seriously affected by the conflicts in Gaza and Israel, in Ukraine, in areas of Africa and elsewhere.
Our hearts break at the devastation and suffering that we see, and we know it breaks yours, too.

We ask you to stretch out your mighty hand to bring an end to these wars.

We cry out for people who have been injured or traumatised, who have lost loved ones or their homes. Please provide everything they need and be their comfort, their hope, their healer, and their safe refuge.

Blessed are the Peacemakers – they shall be know as children of God.

We pray for your peace to reign.
We look to you as our Saviour and the hope of the world.


How we can pray…

  • Use scriptures on peace to centre your thoughts on God and his promises in the Bible. They can be easily found with (Google) internet searches.
  • Pray with a map of Gaza, Israel, Ukraine, Africa – indeed the whole Earth where troubles exist: to guide your prayers.
  • Light candles to help you meditate on Jesus as the light of the world.
  • Set up prayer stations in your church.
  • Thank you for joining us in prayer for the conflict in Gaza and Israel. Let’s continue to pray and act together on behalf of people suffering the effects of violence everywhere.

We believe that prayers are more powerful than anything else.