The Olive Tree Church need YOU!

Hello Olive Tree Church family,

I don’t know about you, but with all the lockdowns we had, it’s made it hard to go out and join things. We still have good reason to be cautious, but we can be wise, and everything will be set up so you can feel safe. I really want to encourage you to come to things that are being offered in the church and even help.

“The Olive Tree church needs you.”

Reminds me of those war posters to recruit people for the war. England needs you. I was too young to see them but if there was one out today, it would say The Olive Tree Church needs you.
My Mum used to say when she was in her early retirement, “I don’t know how I ever fitted a paid job in with all the things she was involved in.” She struggled with depression most of my life but found giving out to someone else really helped her with this.

Being busy is good for our emotional well-being and our mental health. Every little bit helps. I volunteer at the Keech Hospice (or soon will). I said I can only offer a Friday once a month. They were delighted.

Please put your hand up for something that needs to be done in the church: here’s a little list!.

• Gardening or grass cutting at the church whenever it suits you. (Come Thursday and join me and Joanne for a cuppa)

• Giving an hour and a half to talking to young Mums at the Monday Stay and Play 1.15pm to 2.45pm term time only. If we get a few, you may only need to come once a month.

• Teach someone to knit or crochet a square on a Thursday afternoon 1pm to 3pm. 

• Go on the Sunday school rota so everyone doesn’t need to be on it so often.

• Ask the property team what needs doing around both church properties.

• Give someone a lift to Fellowship Club on a Tuesday once a month or Thursday afternoons fortnightly. Let me or Betty McKean know so we can co-ordinate rides.

• Sing in the Worship team at the front once a month (just need to be able to sing in tune).

• Learn to work the sound desk for a Sunday morning ask Robin.

• Help Louise and Mark with the Youth on a Sunday evening once a fortnight.

• Pray with Joanne and I on a Thursday. If you can’t come down to the church to pray, let me know you are happy to pray from home and we will either phone, text, WhatsApp or email you a list for that morning or that week. Otherwise join us in the Parlour.

• Ask Madit to put you on the Welcome team or offer to serve tea and coffee when needed.

• Once a month on a Thursday, we will be serving soup and roll as a lunch to gather us together and to give money to a charity such as Azalea, Christian Aid, etc.

• Volunteer to either set up, help make soup, serve or clean up. We could make teams to take care of a Thursday each month.

• Join our Messy Church team once a month on a Saturday.

There are some ideas.

Let us know what you would like to do to keep your church running each week. A sign- up sheet will be at the back of the church for all of these tasks for a few weeks.

Thanks so much for volunteering your time to bless others and ultimately help yourself feel better too.


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